Feng Shui Walkways

Feng Shui and WalkwaysOf all the blog posts on my website, the most popular topic, by far, is the front door – and with good reason!

The front door is the “mouth of chi” to your home. It is the primary receiver of your neighborhood chi. It is the area of your home that transitions the energies from the public outdoor space to your private indoor space. It is the area that totally sets the tone for how you will experience your time there.

So why do we often avoid this space in the suburbs? We build side doors that are much more convenient to the driveway. Often, our guests also use these side doors!

The walkway leading up to your front door is just as important.
Take a look at this front pathway. A beautiful home with lovely landscaping. But you may first realize that the walkway doesn’t reach to the street. It stops several feet from the road. In feng shui, we say that this cuts off their access to the neighborhood chi in a BIG way!

Feng Shui and walkwaysBut, then, taking a closer look, I saw that they had planted these flowers directly in front of the front steps! They obviously do not use this front door and are clearly sending a message to visitors that they should not use it either!

Here are some simple tips for a good feng shui walkway:
* First, have one! Many homes have a walkway that siphons off from the driveway. You are limiting your chi! You can create a simple path by laying pieces of slate in the grass leading up to your door.
* Second, create a walkway that curves, so you do not send lots of chi straight into your home which can create a bit of chaos in your life! There is a think as too much chi. Remember, it’s all in the balance. If you already have a straight path, stagger some plantings alongside which will give the illusion of curves and slow the chi down.
* And lastly, use it! Make a habit of using this pathway to your front door on a regular basis; get the mail, walk the dog, or go for a walk.

Do you have any front door photos that are interesting? Please share them with me and I may post on my blog.

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