As Seen In...
Hi! Thanks for visiting my website.
Here's the short story:
I am passionate about the role of nature in our lives.
In my own personal journey I have deepened my nature connection and have found greater joy and wellbeing.
Part of my life's path is to share this passion with others.
I am author of Creating Luminous Spaces (Conari Press, 2018) and The Enchanted Earth (Mango Publishing) coming out April 2025. I am an experienced workshop leader and event speaker, and a frequent guest speaker at The Lodge at Woodloch, a top destination spa in Northeastern PA.
I inspire others to restore their divine relationship with the sentience and consciousness of the more-than-human world and their life's purpose.
I created and led a feng shui certification since 2009 and my Luminous Spaces School since 2014 (celebrating our 10th Anniversary!), which offers online certification courses in feng shui, earth energy healing, and biophilic design. My school has achieved the highest standards set by the International Feng Shui Guild.
I have been practicing since 2005, but I have worked with energy all of my life. I help clients all over the world - from Hong Kong to British Columbia - with creating more luminous homes and workspaces, and help them restore their connection to the land.
I offer a Free 30-minute Exploratory Call to see how you might benefit from creating Luminous Spaces of your own. Please reach out. I would love to hear your story...
Talk soon!
P.S. My book is now an Amazon Bestseller!
Order Your Copy Today! And then get your Juicy Bonuses!
"Creating Luminous Spaces is a refreshing new view of ancient ways to enhance your life. Once you understand that by nature you are nature, the world is your playground. Who doesn't want that?"
- Karen Rauch Carter, Best-selling author of Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
9 fun, quirky facts about me!
- I'm a big Doctor Who fan
- I LOVE the color orange
- I care for orphaned baby squirrels for the local nature center (I'm also a board member there)
- If I weren't a feng shui consultant, my dream job would be a storm chaser or astronomer (I'm already an amateur astrologer)
- I talk to trees and rocks (well, of course!)
- I caste my own astrology birth chart when I was 13 (yes, that was before computer programs). I did a pretty damn good job, too! (My ascendant was only off by 10 degrees.)
- My father's nickname for me was "Peanut"
- I only let a few, very close old friends call me "Mo" (you know who you are...)
- Archangel Gabriel is one of my spirit guides ("no duh!")
- In high school I belonged to the "Madrigals" - an a capella group of ten that dressed and performed songs from the Renaissance period
Okay, here's the long story...
Around when I was around eleven, I became an environmentalist and an astrology student. My father had just died and I guess that I hadn't realized that these two areas were aspects of the same thing: I craved an understanding that there must be a meaningful connection between myself and the greater cosmos. That I was part of the whole.
These interests became passions – passion for connecting with divine energy as well as the Earth. As above, so below.
At that same time in my life, I became more aware of energy and other spiritual subjects. And since then, I have been a student, soaking in all I can about the world’s indigenous religions and spiritual practices, as well as astrology, geology, psychology, quantum physics, and architecture.
For over 25 years, I worked in the corporate world in agency marketing, doing conferences, and presentations, and helping with clients in diverse industries including publishing, financial services, and travel.
In the meantime, I discovered the path of feng shui and a chance to study Eastern philosophy. It has fulfilled my desire to bring all of my life's interests into one comprehensive discipline. Everything that I loved and admired was active and alive in this amazing practice of feng shui!
I found that everything has energetic vibrations and interacts and impacts everything else. Change is constant and has somewhat predictable patterns. And learning about feng shui can provide great wisdom on the inner workings of our lives.
At last, I was able to learn profound insights to help myself as well as others with their energy, as well as their home and work environments.
And then came my discovery of a book by Richard Louv, The Last Child in the Woods. (Just hearing the title struck a deep cord in my soul). This book encapsulated all that I had been feeling my entire life: Today's world – nearly always portrayed as heading toward a desolate apocalypse – requires us to make some profound changes in our way of being. Technology has developed at such a rapid pace that we lost our contact with the natural world. And in order to establish any sort of "balance and harmony" in our modern lives, we must connect to nature. This has become my mantra!
Empowered and inspired by this book, I realized how feng shui is actually a perfect path to help others tap into that peace in their lives. For me, Feng Shui’s wisdom is a true path to consciousness and caring for the Earth as well as all its beings.
This idea is present in the Taoist proverb:
"Living in harmony with the Earth brings good fortune."
I feel very fortunate that I am able to continue to learn and grow in my full purpose as well as help others do the same. I help my clients regain a sense of harmony and joy in their lives through:
- as "earth steward" - helping others restore their sacred connection to the natural world with awareness, reciprocity, and joy!
- feng shui consultations and biophilic design for the home and workplace
- understanding themselves, loved ones and co-workers through the Five Natural Elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water
- sacred space clearings and blessing ceremonies
- earth energy healing consultations
- and geomancy and geopathic stress analysis (using dowsing) to help promote harmony in the environment
I work both onsite and remote with virtual consultations.
I look forward to hearing from you!
International Feng Shui Guild - Board member (2009-2018)
Sweetbriar Nature Center - Board member and volunteer
Journal of Biophilic Design - monthly columnist
The University of Edinburgh - The All Nature Network
Women's Speakers Association (WSA)
Green America - approved business
Institute of Building Biology & Ecology - Building Biology Practitioner (BBP)
American Society of Dowsers - Dowsing consultant
Metropolitan Institute of Design - former faculty
Luminous Spaces MASTER Series. A Platform for Expanding Earth Consciousness
Maureen is founder of the Luminous Spaces MASTER Series, that offers feng shui training as well as spirituality and nature-based workshops. Check back here for future events. Some past events:
"4-Day Feng Shui Immersion" in NY.
Learn more here.
"Connecting with the Earth" Workshop with Alex Stark - March 2019
"The Experiential Art of Healing Trees" with Dr. Jim Conroy & Basia Alexander - February 14, 2015
"Feng Shui & Health" with Nancy "Andie" SantoPietro - November 15, 2014
"Heaven is a Garden: Gardens & Feng Shui" with landscape designer and New York Botanical Garden instructor, Jan Johnsen and Maureen K. Calamia. - June 14, 2014
"Changing the Chi in Your Life" with William Spear, March 30, 2014
Re-Nature Consulting Services Offered...
Feng Shui Residential
Feng Shui Business
Feng Shui Corporate
Feng Shui Lunch 'n Learn
Feng Shui Training
Feng Shui Consultation
Feng Shui Training
Feng Shui Certification
Biophilic Design
Biophilic Design Course
Geopathic Stress & Dowsing
Earth Honoring Ceremonies
Nature Spirituality
Feng Shui Workshops
Feng Shui School
Re-Nature Consulting Areas Served...
Feng Shui Long Island
Feng Shui Brooklyn
Feng Shui Queens
Feng Shui Virtual
Feng Shui Northeast
Feng Shui Manhattan
Feng Shui Staten Island
Feng Shui Bronx
Feng Shui Remote
Feng Shui Hamptons
Feng Shui New York
Feng Shui Westchester
Feng Shui Connecticut
Feng Shui New Jersey
Feng Shui NY Metro