The Power of Presence: A Masterclass in Spirituality

Like many of you, I was deeply moved and thrown off balance by the pandemic. I was also inspired by so many concepts and ideas that I had been circling around for years, through teachings, books, and conversations with others.
And I wondered, why is it taking me so long to move forward on the path that I'm being drawn to?
Although it took most of 2020 to pull my thoughts together, I finally started a small group in early 2021 with weekly online sessions to address our current need to gather as spiritual beings to support each other in these outstanding times.
What we found was that there was so much more to explore and to support.
As the Divine Feminine energy has descended and is anchoring in our lives, there is Great Shift occurring on many levels and dimensions.
These four modules (in both video and audio formats) encapsulate some of the essential ideas we discussed in community. I hope that you will find the information helpful wherever and whenever you are! I do believe these concepts will not be outdated for a while. We'll see!
Four Modules (Total 80 mins):
- The Big Picture & Light - In this topic, I share my inspiration for this work, what I mean by “The Power of Presence” and why this topic is so important now, more than ever before for humanity to embrace.
- Cultivating Your Personal Energy Field - Why aren’t we present much of our lives? I share how the world’s spiritual teachers helped me to understand the importance of being more present in our lives, to better manage drama and life’s challenges. How the Ego Mind trips us up and how to pull ourselves out of our conditioned responses to life with some simple, yet often challenging new habits to create. (It's a lifelong process!)
- Re-Naturing: Embracing, Developing, and Establishing a Deeper Relationship with the Natural World: I ask you to ponder, “What is your relationship with the land you live on?” and I give you some tips that I have developed with my feng shui and earth healing work to have a more meaningful relationship with nature beings. This approach will help you feel more alive and contribute to a better planet!
- Community: Being Present in Today's World - Finally, in this last topic, I share how to be more in community and follow your life’s purpose, and how that will impact, not only others, but your sense of fulfillment, light, and feeling of wellbeing.
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The Power of Presence: A Masterclass in Spirituality (4 Videos)
“The Power of Presence: A Masterclass in Spirituality” with Maureen Calamia
Pre-recorded four-video series (total 83 mins)
– Light: The Bigger Picture (21 mins)
– Cultivating Your Personal Energy Field (18 mins)
– Re-Naturing: Embracing, Developing, and Establishing a Deeper Relationship with the Natural World (21 mins)
– Community: Being Present in Today’s World (23 mins)
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