Luminous Spaces Feng Shui Directory
When Students of the Luminous Spaces Feng Shui School graduate from the program, they automatically receive entrance into this Feng Shui Directory. But our work doesn't end there. Each graduate is part of an ongoing community where we meet regularly, share experiences, hear insights, and continue our journey of learning together!
>>> To learn more about training with Maureen, see her Luminous Spaces Feng Shui School programs, which have received the Gold-level standard by the International Feng Shui Guild.
Advanced Feng Shui Practitioners

Stella Von Thun
Stella is an Advanced Practitioner of the Luminous Spaces Feng Shui School which is a unique, natured based training.
Drawing from her background in Healing Stella has:
A Diploma in Iridology and Natural Medicine, a Diploma in Aura Soma Colour Healing, and Certification in Mediumship 1 with James Van Praagh. Alongside this, Stella has studied and practised Western Astrology for 30 years.
With her sympathetic nature and professional manner Stella helps you to restore Equilibrium in your home and create a lifestyle aligned to who you truly are.
Offering distant Feng Shui Consultations, Space Clearing and Blessings Ceremonies via Skype.

Charmaine Buskas
Charmaine is a Feng Shui Coach of the BTB variety. She studied with Maureen who has been a mentor and a guide since she began studying Feng Shui in 2014. She is currently on the board of the International Feng Shui Guild, which is a non profit organization that helps to advance the practice and teaching of Feng Shui world wide. She works with clients in the NJ/NY and PA areas.
Previously, Charmaine had a long career as an economist in the banking industry in NYC. The experience working in large organizations was a catalyst in understanding how the energy of one's work place can affect productivity and ultimately was one of the many driving forces to learn Feng Shui.
Phone: 732-281-9812

Kathleen Spencer
I believe in the power of Feng Shui to create harmony, balance, and positive energy in our lives. My practice goes beyond traditional Feng Shui, incorporating the principles of fifth-dimensional energy and higher consciousness. With a focus on intention, mindfulness, and energy clearing, I aim to create supportive and nurturing environments that align with well-being, community, and higher consciousness. Through clutter clearing, balance and harmony, nature connection, and mindful decor, I create spaces that promote a sense of calmness, clarity, and connection with the natural world.
Join me on this journey of creating spaces that support your well-being and align with your vision of higher consciousness.
Phone: 315-525-4457
Feng Shui Practitioners

Gina Casbarro
Gina’s passions for personal and spiritual growth, goal setting, and health and wellness drew her to discover Feng Shui. She views Feng Shui as a way to turn your home into a physical vision board to help bring your biggest dreams and desires to fruition. A graduate of Luminous Spaces Feng Shui School, Gina supports her clients in making adjustments to their space in order to maximize positive energy that leaves them feeling inspired, re-energized and at home.
In addition to being a certified BTB Feng Shui Consultant, Gina weaves in years of experience in personal coaching and development as well as her background as a yoga instructor to support her in understanding her clients' true aspirations.
Gina offers Feng Shui consultations and space clearings and blessings in person in the Maryland & DC area as well as virtually over skype.
Phone: 305-767-8033

Gabrielle Anya Rafello
I am the founder and director of the Koorana Centre in the UK and facilitate a variety of transformative personal development programmes, using vibrational medicine to facilitate positive change within people and spaces.
With a background in healing through creative therapy, Quantum Psionics, Reiki, colour therapy, Feng Shui, dowsing, crystal therapy, relationship astrology and divination, I am passionate about creating spaces where everyone can thrive. I teach a creative Feng Shui art programme.
As a professional mentor and facilitator I am fully insured and also accredited by ABRATH and the BCMA.
Phone: +44 (0)791 372 4183,

Susannah Alle
Susannah Alle is a Feng Shui Consultant living in Raleigh, NC. After completing a certification in classical feng shui, she decided to explore the more spiritual approach that BTB feng shui offers. She was drawn to Maureen’s program at Luminous Spaces because of its emphasis on the five elements and the recognition of the important role nature plays in our environments and our lives. Prior to becoming a Feng Shui Consultant, Susannah worked as an IT Analyst, where one of the most enjoyable parts of her job was using her analytical skills to find “bugs” in the code and figure out a solution. Susannah brings these same problem-solving skills to her feng shui consultations, always looking for the best way a client can use feng shui to achieve the changes they want to see in their lives.
Phone: 984-999-0556

Amanda Gibby Peters
Amanda Gibby Peters is the voice and founder of Simple Shui – a modern-day, mission-driven, love-based practice of Feng Shui. As a professional consultant and author, she leads workshops; teaches online courses; and consults clients around the world. Amanda has studied with several masters and received professional certifications from the Western School of Feng Shui and the Luminous Spaces Feng Shui School. In addition, she has a Master of Communications from Westminster College. As a Feng Shui expert, she’s been interviewed by Architectural Digest, Food 52, Well+Good, MyDomaine, Amazon, and MindBodyGreen.
Phone: (801) 209-9582

Robyn Stevens
Our work and living spaces directly influence our energy, prosperity and happiness. From Fortune 500 execs to stay-at-home moms, Feng Shui expert Robyn Stevens helps people from all walks of life bring more happiness, creativity, love and abundance into their lives by transforming their home and work spaces.
A genius at breaking down the fascinating complexities of Feng Shui in an entertaining and simple way, Robyn is a frequent TV guest and a highly sought-after speaker. Certified in 2012, Robyn launched her business Robyn Stevens Feng Shui in 2013. She is a member of the International Feng Shui Guild.
Phone: 913-706-6978

El Larson

Mary Grace Peak
Phone: 860-794-8342

Ada Garza
Working in the Corporate world for most of my adult life allowed me to see the need for connectedness not only to ourselves as humans but also to the spaces that we worked in. The way we relate to our environment, will indicate the amount of creativity and rest we can achieve to accomplish our goals in life. Using Feng Shui to balance the energy of any space gives me great joy, as it is by finding balance that we are able to be our most functional and find the needed stillness required to regenerate and create a fulfilling life.
Phone: 647-627-6781

Sathya Ramesh
Phone: 00971-50764585

Jennifer Glandt
My personal journey with Feng Shui has had very positive results in my life. I am excited to continue learning and to share this knowledge with others, helping them to balance the energies in their environment(s) and create spaces that resonate with their highest good! With 30 years of experience teaching Spanish, I feel confident in my ability to explain Feng Shui and to make what can be a complex topic easy for my clients to understand.
Phone: (920)770-2551