Myth: Is Feng Shui Just Chinese Folklore?


When I do workshops or consultations I inevitably get questions from people relating to specific objects for romance or prosperity. “Should I get a pair of Chinese mandarin ducks for my Romance corner?” I shrug my shoulders. “It depends…”

If you hold symbolism with such objects, then yes. They will provide the reminder for you of what you wish to cultivate in your life, much like a vision board. If these objects represent no more than added clutter to your home, then do without!

Here’s a few items that you might see in fun and funky Chinatown shops or online stores:

Chinese mandarin ducks – These ducks are said to mate for life, so they represent true love. You can place this is your Romance corner (back right of your bedroom) or in the SW of your bedroom.

Three-legged toad – The story gets a bit more elaborate, but I’ll summarize: a 3-legged toad was rescued by a man from a water well. In return, the toad bestowed the man with riches, hence the coin in his mouth retrieved from the treasure he found in the well. You should place the toad in an inconspicuous place, facing into (rather than out of) the house.

Guardian Lions or Fu Dogs – I have not recommended these statues yet, but I really like them. The male and female statues are seen flanking the entrance of many important buildings in China. The male is to the right of entrance, while you are looking in. He typically has one paw on a ball, sometimes called a symbolic pearl. The female, on the left, rests her paw on a curled-up cub. They are symbols of protection.

Dragons – Okay, I have prescribed dragons to clients, but only if they like the idea. The dragon is the most powerful of all animals in Chinese folklore and is very masculine energy. Dragons work well if there is a deficiency in the east or northeast area of the home or property, or to the right of the house as viewed from the curb (male side). And because he represents strong male energy, many male clients appreciate the support a dragon can bring. Several clients with male teens have had great success with bringing dragon energy into their son’ rooms.

So if you enjoy sharing your home with these symbols, by all means, but it is not imperative for good Feng Shui.

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