11-11-11: Stirring the Ch’i


I participated in a webinar today on the power of 11-11-11, which is this Friday.  There were so many points made during the call that I resonated with, I just had to share some thoughts:

The Universe is "stirring the chi" – no joke! We all have been seeing the political and economic unrest in the world, not to mention natural disasters. On a professional level, I'm hearing clients say "Uncle!"

When things are placid, going well, that is when little to no change occurs – the ch'i MUST be stirred if we are to experience the change that was predicted by the Mayans, Native Americans, and many other ancient cultures with the coming of 2012.

Astrologically – I have studied a bit of astrology over the last 30 or so years (and it's fascinating stuff!). There are currently four planets in retrograde which translates to building tension, lack of movement, and frustration. Jupiter (good fortune), Chiron (healing wounds), Uranus (reform), and Neptune (ideas, addictions).

This is a time of 'clearing out" what does not serve you anymore. Huge relationship stresses – I have many, many clients as well as personal friends and family that are going through great relationship stress. Break-ups, divorces, a lot of upheaval and pain. But know that this turbulence is for a greater purpose.

Numerologically – 11.11.11 = 11 is a "master" number in numerology, connected with big leaps, intuition and leadership. When you add the numbers together, it is a 6 which represents healing, harmony, and creativity.

The tension is palpable. It's been the predominant topic among my colleagues and friends. It's in the air – change, tension, frustration, not knowing what will come next. 

But remember, great change is only possible in times of great tension. Starting 11-11-11, these planets will move direct (out of their retrograde pattern) and things will really start moving!  Are you ready?

To prepare, use this time wisely. Look carefully at yourself and your relationships. What is working, what is not. Understand that your intentions, who you ARE in this world, your ch'i energy, will become the world around you. Use this time to ask for clarity and wisdom to realize what is no longer working and to let go.

In this time of change, Feng Shui can help.

Thank you, Crystal Andrus, founder of the SWAT Institute and Colette Baron-Reid, for this powerful information.

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