Seeking Our Unique Spiritual Path

Maureen Calamia
We can all use trail blazes to help us discover our path! I'm sharing mine here in this new online course, The Power of Presence.

I love to take a walk on a previously unknown trail in the woods. The feeling of discovery! Secret, narrow, winding paths are the best. Would you agree?

And on such a walk today with my husband and Sadie (yes the cute one!) I was again reminded of the mirror and metaphor between our encounters and our current state of life.

I’m on a new path, a brand-new journey... literally on the wooded path right now and in my life, like TODAY.

I have embraced a new vision. The events of 2020 have set me up for this.

I am never more clear about my path than ever before in my life. Although I’ve been on this current path since 2005, I knew my path would make surprising turns and even, double-backs, sometimes feeling like I was having to re-do the work.

But my life experiences have all been part of the journey – the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Along this trail, like on a real hike, I often look for the trail blazes (like the one pictured here) along the way to remind me that, yes, I'm on the right path.

In life, those markers have been my dreams, astrology, and synchronicities (those "strange coincidences") in daily life.

Dreams have shown me where I need to make attitude adjustments. They've provided messages on what I actually should be doing, as well as plenty of practice to prepare me for what’s to come even though I may not realize it at the moment.

Sometimes I learn how I really feel about myself or situations in my life, underneath all the surface emotions. And most importantly, they have given me guideposts on what to do next.

Astrology has been a constant companion of mine since I was 12-years-old. It has helped me uncover my talents as well as bringing light to challenging habit patterns of thinking. It has helped me with timing.

Coupled with dreamwork, the lunar cycles have helped me see important messages within my volumes of dreams...ones that point to my soul’s purpose, and some that help me see how well I’m following those messages (or not).

Then, I add in mindfulness and presence which help me to recognize synchronicities (those strange coincidences in life) that help me see opportunities which I may never have noticed before.

Seeking our unique spiritual pathAnd it's interesting that part of my journey, of my soul's purpose, is to share my techniques with others. This works. I know it does. It works for me and I'm sure that it can help others. Perhaps you?

Spiritual Mentoring with Maureen

With one or a series of Zoom sessions, Maureen will help guide you through your spiritual journey. Using the power of symbolism, dreams, tarot, astrology, nature connection, and perhaps a bit of feng shui, see how Maureen can help you move forward on your path.


True Nature Quiz! 

Five Element personality quizDiscover Your True Nature Element and make simple shifts in your space to attract positive energy.

Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water

Learn about the Five Elements with Maureen's book
Creating Luminous Spaces, available on Amazon!

Creating Luminous Spaces

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