Are You Chasing Positive Chi Away?

In a conversation I had the other day my friend brought up his aunt’s living room and how she STILL has plastic covers on her sofa and chairs and she even has a stanchion rope and posts to block off the room!  The message is clear: Keep out!

Worst Decorating Mistakes - Plastic Wrap Sofa_0

After we had a good laugh about it I thought, wow, that is bad feng shui!  What a poor signal his aunt was sending to those in the family and their visitors.

And what about positive chi?  The purpose of feng shui is to welcome in positive chi to our homes, and therefore, greater opportunities for health and success in all aspects of life.So I started thinking of other things in some homes that sends the “Keep out” message.

The White Trend
How about white carpeting and furnishings? Are you kidding me? They are so squeaky clean that you’re afraid to do anything there.

What I mean is that it feels more like a museum than a home. A home should be clean, of course, but it should feel lived in.

too clean living room

The Unkempt Home
On the other end of the spectrum is a home that is not maintained and cluttered. This home does not welcome chi either.


The Nose Knows
Positive chi can also be turned away by strong pet odors or odors from cooking, etc.


So look around your home. In what ways might you be chasing positive chi away?

Plastic sofa Photo Credit: flickr/Vieilles_Annonces

True Nature Quiz! 

Five Element personality quizDiscover Your True Nature Element and make simple shifts in your space to attract positive energy.

Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water

Learn about the Five Elements with Maureen's book
Creating Luminous Spaces, available on Amazon!

Creating Luminous Spaces

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