Distributing Chi To Your House – Roadways


The level and type of chi that is sent to your house is important for all aspects of your life. It represents opportunities – job offers, new relationships, friends, good health, etc. The type of road you live on affects the type and amount of chi that you and your family can access.

Working with chi, you'll soon realize that it's a bit like Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Either extreme is not good. You want to have the middle option – not too much chi and not too little chi.

Roads with fast traffic can send fast, chaotic energy into your home. We intuitively know this, as houses on major roads are much less expensive that other areas. Shielding your home with tall landscaping is a great way to protect you and your home as well as a great sound-muffler.

A house at a T-intersection is one of the worst placements. The more traveled these roads are, the worse it is. Lots of energy constantly "attacking" your home can cause financial loss and illness. Again, landscaping is the best way to protect your home.

Roads with very little traffic, however, can be too stagnant. Although these areas are typically sought-after (just as cul-de-sacs and dead-ends) in real estate, they can lead to depression and limited opportunities. Homes in these areas need activity, so young children and pets are great. Also, moving objects in the front of the house will attract chi, such as flags, wind chimes or whirly gigs.

The optimal road pattern is a gently-curved road with your house on the inside of curve, being embraced.

True Nature Quiz! 

Five Element personality quizDiscover Your True Nature Element and make simple shifts in your space to attract positive energy.

Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water

Learn about the Five Elements with Maureen's book
Creating Luminous Spaces, available on Amazon!

Creating Luminous Spaces

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