Guest Blog: My Road to Feng Shui – Corporate Layoffs & Magic!

by Robyn Stevens

Robyn Stevens Feng ShuiI sometimes forget life BFS, Before Feng Shui

It feels like my life really started the day my sister-in- law told me she had discovered this cool new discipline called Feng Shui.  It’s been 16 years and still I remember so much about that moment.  Energetically my body was screaming “YES” while my brain was going, “I don’t know about this!”  Thankfully, my brain jumped on board, because without knowing a single thing about Feng Shui, I knew I wanted to learn more.

I scheduled my first consultation with her Feng Shui practitioner very quickly after that conversation.  I didn’t analyze, fret or go into analysis paralysis.  I just scheduled it.  Everything (ok, almost everything) made sense and it was like the lights were finally turned on.  I spent the next several months cleaning, decluttering, implementing adjustments, adopting the use of intentions, moving things, etc.   And, as advertised, things started happening.  New, unexpected people, opportunities, and experiences began to materialize.  Life got bigger, better, happier.  I felt like I had discovered this not-so-secret-secret to make my life all that I wanted.

Change is Good!

Then, two things happened:

  1. (big dramatic gulp here), my Feng Shui consultant moved thousands of miles away! There wasn’t anyone else in my mid-west town to call for Feng Shui advice.
  2. I was looking down the barrel of my third corporate lay-off!

It was time to take control of my career and my own Feng Shui journey.

After a few months of ruminating, I took the plunge and found a certification course to broaden my knowledge so I could Feng Shui for myself.

A New Journey

Homework assignments included finding clients to implement what we had learned.  Even as a student, the things I was teaching were making huge impacts on my “clients”.  I loved it and was hooked.

Thank goodness, because that third corporate lay-off did happen.  The timing was perfect and I was ready.  The very next day my Feng Shui business began.  I turned on my website and started handing out business cards.  It’s been five years and I’ve never looked back.  Helping others has been immensely fulfilling and satisfying.

The discipline of Feng Shui is so vast and layered and my studies continue still.  I’ve found wonderful teachers, mentors and friends through my training.  Happily, Maureen was one of my early teachers and I continue to study with her today.  Her expertise in the five elements and her clear, common sense approach has turned me into a loyal student and fan!

I think back to that day with my sister-law with so much gratitude.  I was in the right place at the right time, my Helpful People gua was working!  (not sure what that means?  Contact your local Feng Shui Consultant, she/he’ll be happy to explain!).

If you are interested in joining this program, register now!

Robyn’s Bio
She is a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner and member of the International Feng Shui Guild.  Robyn has been studying, implementing, and obsessing over feng shui since the dawn of the new millennium. A former corporate addict herself, she has feng shui’d corporate cubes all over the Kansas City metro area and beyond.  Robyn was certified in 2012 and launched her business Robyn Stevens Feng Shui in 2013.  She lives in Shawnee, KS with Bob, her husband and feng shui partner-in-crime.




True Nature Quiz! 

Five Element personality quizDiscover Your True Nature Element and make simple shifts in your space to attract positive energy.

Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water

Learn about the Five Elements with Maureen's book
Creating Luminous Spaces, available on Amazon!

Creating Luminous Spaces

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