On a Spiritual Path

Feng Shui and Spiritual PathWhen you’re on a spiritual path, life isn’t suddenly perfect, but there is joy that was not there before.

There is richness and depth to life that was not there before.

There is a larger perspective that was not there before.

After years on this path, I have gone through periods of frustration. “Why do I feel at a standstill? Why do I not feel more enlightened?”

And then, during one of these periods, one of my precious feng shui master teachers explained: Enlightenment is an increasing awareness. There is no end goal. It is not an upward straight slope, but rather a series of ups and some downs and then leveling off for a period of time. Then, when you may least expect it, some thing or some one will help you see more and you get “yanked up” to another level. And so I share this knowledge with you.

Many blessings to my wonderful feng shui teachers who continue to inspire me on my spiritual journey. Namaste.

“Before enlightenment, chop wood carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood carry water” – Zen proverb

Image credit: Tani Bunchō [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

True Nature Quiz! 

Five Element personality quizDiscover Your True Nature Element and make simple shifts in your space to attract positive energy.

Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water

Learn about the Five Elements with Maureen's book
Creating Luminous Spaces, available on Amazon!

Creating Luminous Spaces

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