Spiral Stairs in Feng Shui

Spiral stairs are a feng shui no-no. Ever wonder why?spiral stairs feng shui

Everything in our homes is a metaphor for the unconscious. Makes sense when we think about artwork, but architectural details of our home? Yes, because we were drawn to this home specifically over all over homes.

Stairs symbolize the Water Element – it channels the chi and traffic in our homes. Spiral stairs symbolize a corkscrew and increases the instability of that space.

As I feng shui consultant, I routinely check to see what “gua” the staircase is located, according to the Bagua Map and it often provides a true metaphor to what is occurring in my client’s life. Keep in mind, also, that each gua represents a part of our bodies and therefore are directly connected with health.

Fame & Reputation

One client had a spiral stairs in Fame & Reputation. It’s effect was doubly challenging because the stairs went both up to a second floor and down to a lower level, as if it were boring a deep hole. That is actually what she experienced metaphorically. She had a huge instability which contributed to a devastating impact on her Fame & Reputation.

Children & Creativity

Another client had spiral stairs in Children & Creativity. Although those areas of her life were very fruitful, she had recurring illnesses related to her throat which incapacitated her at times.

Self-Knowledge & Spirituality

A third client had these stairs in Self-Knowledge & Spirituality. She seemed to go ’round and ’round about several challenges in her life without making any forward progress. She had a late memory of childhood trauma which she has been working through and was challenged to think clearly at times.

Helpful People

Lastly was a client that had spiral stairs in Helpful People. She actually said that people seem to rotate in and out of her life. She couldn’t rely on others for support and had few friends.

Cure for Spiral Stairs

One cure for spiral stairs is to place a large live plant in a ceramic pot at the bottom of the stairs and visualize that the stairs are actually growing out of the pot, grounded in the soil and reaching up to the heavens. It energetically provides stability to this previously unstable chi.

True Nature Quiz! 

Five Element personality quizDiscover Your True Nature Element and make simple shifts in your space to attract positive energy.

Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water

Learn about the Five Elements with Maureen's book
Creating Luminous Spaces, available on Amazon!

Creating Luminous Spaces

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