Feng Shui the Center of Your Home

Feng Shui the Center of Your Home

In feng shui, what the center of the home is like can tell a lot about your health and how chi flows in your life. The center is a very important space. It represents your sense of self – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

So here are some tips to improve the chi of the center of your home:

1. Open – Make sure that the center of your home is open to allow chi to circulate and not stagnant. If there is anything that feels like its in the way, just move it.

2. Incorporate the 5 Element Theory – The Earth element rules the center of the home. Earth symbolizes stability and groundedness. Fire also supports the Earth element. Here is a brief list of ways to boost the Earth element:

  • color – beige, brown, coral, peach, yellows, red, orange
  • material – stone, ceramics, pottery
  • objects – rocks, crystals, candles
  • shape – horizontal shapes, pointed shapes (pyramid, star, zigzag patterns)
  • artwork – mountains, open landscapes, sun

feng shui home

3. What is in the Center?

Closet – Closets are for storage but make sure the closet is not full of useless clutter. De-clutter and organize, organize, organize. Make everything easy to find and within reach.

Bathroom – A bathroom is not ideal in the center of a home. There aren’t windows (for ventilation) and all the water (plumbing) erodes the Earth element. Make sure that the bathroom is well maintained, and that the lighting and plumbing work well. 
Add Earth and Fire (see #2).

Stairway – A stairway in the center of the house creates instability through the up/down movement of the stairs. Slow the chi down by adding a carpet runner, paint walls one of the earth colors, or add a few square frames with family photos on the walls, or a projector to light-up with movies and videos. If there is space add two heavy stone statues or planters on either side of the stairs.

Fireplace – A fireplace in the center of a home is a metaphor for excess heat in your body. It can manifest as exhaustion, heart burn, adrenal issues and even heart disease. Add a mirror or water feature above or next to the fireplace.

feng shui home

Hallway – The minimum size of a hallway should be 36 inches wide. A mirror on one wall can open up the feeling of a narrow space. If you have a piece of furniture, you might be impeding the chi. Be sure that the space is open and calm as possible. Also, limit the number of wall hangings. A nice runner can bring some softness, dampen sound and add some peace to this space.

4. Artwork – Studies have proved the importance of symbolism of artwork. Remember, the center of the home represents YOU! Be sure that any artwork here is positive and life-enhancing.



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True Nature Quiz! 

Five Element personality quizDiscover Your True Nature Element and make simple shifts in your space to attract positive energy.

Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water

Learn about the Five Elements with Maureen's book
Creating Luminous Spaces, available on Amazon!

Creating Luminous Spaces

Reader Interactions


  1. […] In my home, the stairs are in the center. Stairs can potentially be very unbalancing if we are not mindful of safety. Before my feng shui training, I placed items on each step to remind myself (or family) to bring them up. After I understood the importance of stability and creating a calm space, I used a wood crate which I placed next to the stairs, to place all the items to be put back in their proper place. For more on the center of the home, check my post here: https://www.luminous-spaces.com/feng-shui-center-home/ […]

  2. […] Dans ma maison, le Les escaliers sont au centre. Les escaliers peuvent être très déséquilibrés si nous sommes Il n’est pas au courant de la sécurité. Avant ma formation en feng shui, j’ai placé des objets dans chaque étape pour me rappeler (ou à ma famille) de les élever. Après avoir compris le importance de la stabilité et de la création d’un espace calme, j’ai utilisé une boîte en bois qui placé à côté de l’escalier, pour placer tous les éléments qui seront remis dans votre bon endroit. Pour plus d’informations sur le centre de la maison, consultez mon article ici: https://www.luminous-spaces.com/feng-shui-center-home/ […]

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