Feng Shui Your Wallet

The past few weeks I’ve been going through some sessions about money and my beliefs around it.

It’s pretty crazy the stories that come out, that I never realized were there. It’s actually pretty profound. (If you are interested in learning more about this work for yourself, email me and I’ll connect you to her).

I hear words coming out of my mouth and I think “really? I really think that?” And I think how amazing it is that I’ve been able to earn a really good living from what I do for so many years!

And through this process, I’ve been reflecting…which leads me to my wallet.

Our wallets are very personal items. It is our most personal symbol of our wealth. We carry them with us almost everywhere we go. It’s a constant reminder of our relationship with money.

I’ve had my wallet for several years now. It’s a nice Coach wallet that fits everything I need it to. It’s perfectly fine, except for one thing. It’s a REALLY BIG thing… considering what I do and practice for a living.

The wallet was given to me by a bully. Someone that I knew, who one time gave me a very generous gift.

Ah, yes. So you see…

The very presence of this wallet is connected with really negative energy.

So I realized that it was time to refresh and restore balance and harmony in my relationship with money!

I purchased this red Fossil wallet. It’s reasonably priced, but best yet, it is red leather! Fire energy. I love it!

Red is the most auspicious color in feng shui because it symbolizes life and vitality. Yang chi.

What is the basic energy of your wallet? What were the circumstances you got it?

How do you feel about your wallet? What words come to you?

What is the condition of your wallet? Is it new or falling apart?

Is it neat or bursting with receipts and cards, etc.?

Here are some tips to help you feng shui your own wallet:

  1. Clean everything out. Go through each item and discard what is no longer needed.
  2. Clean your wallet if necessary.
  3. Neatly replace what you keep
  4. Write an affirmation about your finances (this is written as if you already have all that you want). Perhaps you can place it in a Chinese red envelope and fold it in your wallet. Red envelopes are very auspicious.

Maybe it’s time to purchase a new wallet, like I did. It doesn’t have to be a lot of money, but something that you really like.

Consider the color: red is auspicious and attracts energy; green is vibrant and symbolizes money expanding; blue is confidence and intelligence; black is deep and wise; brown is stable and responsible.

For the Prosperity Coach (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)…

Contact: Kathleen Keenan
email: Kathleen@zensageouswomen.com
website: zensageouswomen.com


True Nature Quiz! 

Five Element personality quizDiscover Your True Nature Element and make simple shifts in your space to attract positive energy.

Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water

Learn about the Five Elements with Maureen's book
Creating Luminous Spaces, available on Amazon!

Creating Luminous Spaces

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