Great Low-Light Indoor Plants

Great Low-Light Indoor Plants

How can you attract positive chi into your home? Liven up those dark areas with live, healthy plants! 

One of the most important items in your home is live, healthy plants.

You can watch my short video or read this post about why they are and five of the easiest plants to care for here.

But what about those places in your home that have little or no sunlight?

Silk plants are better than nothing, but for 100% more positive chi I suggest trying these plants, which tolerate, or prefer low light.

ZZ plant

Snake Plant


Prayer Plant



Spider Plant

Christmas Cactus

Golden Pothos




True Nature Quiz! 

Five Element personality quizDiscover Your True Nature Element and make simple shifts in your space to attract positive energy.

Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water

Learn about the Five Elements with Maureen's book
Creating Luminous Spaces, available on Amazon!

Creating Luminous Spaces

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