Health and ElectroMagnetic Fields (EMFs)

A Feng Shui colleague asked to visit the home of a young couple a few years ago wearing my other hat, as a certified Building Biology practitioner. Their 18-month-old daughter had recently been having seizures, only a few weeks after moving into her own room.

Using a sophisticated but simple piece of equipment called the EMF meter, I would be able to “read” the EMFs, or electromagnetic fields, throughout the home.

All was well until I reached their daughters room. A reading of 2.0 milligauss or less is generally acceptable level, but 1.0 milligauss is the limit for the more vulnerable populations (young children, older adults and those with illness).  The baby’s crib reading was over 50.0 milligauss! I had never seen a reading so high with the exception of a refrigerator, circuit box or a microwave in use.

Upon assessment by the an electrician, the baby’s bedroom was cleared for the project. It being just above the garage where there were wires running under the floor of her crib. In addition, there was an automatic garage opener running under her crib.

My immediate solution was to move her back into their bedroom, where EMFs were within the acceptable range. Then, they needed to contact an electrician from to check the wiring and high voltage lines outside of their home.

This story ended well. Their daughter (now 3 years old) is a healthy toddler and all is well.

The media has made us aware of unseen dangers in microwave and cell phone use, but when have you thought about what is on the other side of your bed wall or floor? Is there a circuit box? A 24-hour running refrigerator? Faulty wiring? High voltage wires coming into your home?

Take a look and ask me any questions.

True Nature Quiz! 

Five Element personality quizDiscover Your True Nature Element and make simple shifts in your space to attract positive energy.

Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water

Learn about the Five Elements with Maureen's book
Creating Luminous Spaces, available on Amazon!

Creating Luminous Spaces

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