Placement of House on Street


In feng shui just as life, everything is in moderation.  Let's look at two homes and how the proximity to the street can affect the lives of the inhabitants.

A home that is too close to the street can have too much chaos and confusion. External chi cannot be harnessed by the home and the chi already in the home can be easily swept away. Opportunities come and go before people can benefit from them. Money may come easily, but then it is lost just as easily. Same for relationships. The close proximity to the street will affect all the life areas of the residents, from finances, career, and most importantly, health!

In this particular home, the road curves directly at the house and funnels a tremendous amount of chi toward the home. With the home close to the street, there is no buffer between this aggressive chi and the house.

Imagine that the street is a river and the house is on the bank. The river will eat away at this bank until it finally is eroded completely. That is the energy of living in this space.

A solution: If possible, plant tall shrubs to provide a buffer. A water fountain is also a good solution. At the very least, install a Bagua mirror over the front door to deflect this negative energy.

How about the opposite? A house that is way back on the property. How about a "flag lot" as realtors say. (A flag lot is one that two homes, one on the street and one behind.)

This is the other extreme. The energy is awful. In fact, you have very limited ability to receive the chi from the street.

In this picture the house in the middle of the photo is behind the one on the left, in essence, in it's backyard.

Both houses are affected in this case. The house in front gets all the chi from the street, yet it has no true support behind it, therefore, the inhabitants lack stability.

The house behind gets little, if any chi from the street, and this affects every aspect of their lives. Life will be in stagnation. People living here will struggle.

A solution: For the front house – Add tall shrubs that will provide the support and shield view of the other house. For the back house – Add some solar lighting along the driveway and add some movement (perhaps flags or whirly gigs) that will direct chi toward this house.


Do you have an interesting situation? Share it with me and I may cover it in my blog.

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