Summertime Fire Energy


Summer, ruled by Fire energy in Feng Shui, has always been my most favorite season, as for most people, I assume (I just searched for the most popular season and I wasn't able to find any poll results!) Not only is school out, but our schedules shift and we are able to enjoy most of our days in sunlight. There is always time for a nice long walk after dinner, along the waterfront or around town.

Summer is especially fun for me because I look forward to my birthday, toward the end of summer and being a Leo I especially understand the Fire energy of summer.

Fire energy is "dazzling, evanescent, trembling, exciting, and all embracing," according to Between Heaven and Earth: A Chinese Guide to Medicine by Beinfeld and Korngold. It's when our brilliant sun climbs to its zenith in the sky and our plants and flowers reach up, developing to their fullest potential. Like the plants, the Fire energy challenges us to reach our full potential, stretching the limits of our capacity.

The Fire element is enthusiasm, brilliance, and strength that may mask the softer side of sensitivity and intuition.

Fire energy creates a web of social interactions. It gives us the opportunity to bond with others, connecting to their hearts and minds.

No wonder that lively summer gatherings are a perfect complement to the Fire element! It is a special time for coming together. Enjoy your summer connections!

Photo credit: Maureen K. Calamia


True Nature Quiz! 

Five Element personality quizDiscover Your True Nature Element and make simple shifts in your space to attract positive energy.

Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water

Learn about the Five Elements with Maureen's book
Creating Luminous Spaces, available on Amazon!

Creating Luminous Spaces

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