What Does Your Logo Say About Your Business?


Creating a logo for your business is one of the first things that you do when setting it up. But don't do this in haste. A logo communicates so much about how you feel about your business and the energy that you will attract.

Of course, the energy of the logo should be reflective of your business. A creative agency will have a very different look versus a hedge fund consultant.

At a meeting this morning, I suggested that the audience might want for me to take a look at their logos. One logo was outstanding. It was an image of a lion, very regal and grand. It portrayed leadership and dominance. The business was a real estate agency that is (not surprising!) top in their market!

Another business card had very poor Feng Shui. It had a tombstone with a red circle that was crossed out, as in public "No Smoking" signs. I have to laugh. Just what kind of business would use the symbolism of death?!  It was a business promoting play and adventure for 40+-year-olds. The man explained how it catches everyone's attention and they seem to love it.

I don't know, but I still don't think that neither of these images – the tombstone nor the circle with cross out – are positive. In the long run, I think it might hurt them. (Perhaps even sooner.)

Be careful what you use for your imagery. It might be cute or trendy, but you certainly want to secure your own future and longevity in the marketplace.

Do you have an unusual logo that you'd like to share? Email me and I'll post about it here.


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